Best Heaters to Buy for Your Garage

When the winter months set in, your garage will become cold and it is unlikely you will want to spend too much time in that area of your home. There is a solution for this problem though. Purchasing a good heater for you garage will keep it warm and cozy for those times you want to work in it.
Here are the best heaters to buy for your garage:

Mr. Heater- This heater hangs on the wall of your garage and provides 25,000 BTU’s. The current price is $379 at Lowes home improvement stores. The best thing about this heater is that it continues to work even when the electricity is out. It also has a thermostat built in and runs on natural gas power.

Century Forced Air- This heater costs a mere $99.00 and will heat your garage up in no time at all. It used propane gas which is easily purchased at most gas stations. It sits on the floor so you don’t have to do any installations. It uses forced air to throw the heat throughout the garage area. If you want a heater that gets you warmed up fast, this is the one for you.

Mr. Heater Portable-This is a small heater but it gets the job done. The heater can be easily moved around. The best feature to this piece of equipment is the automatic shut off capability. If it is accidently knocked over, it will automatically shut off to avoid fire from occurring. It costs $79.00 at Lowes.

Dyno-Glo Tagalong- This portable heater cost $75.00 at Home Depot. It is easy to move around and has auto shut off capability built in to avoid occurrence of fire. It can be mounted on the wall or it can sit on the floor. This is a very versatile heater for the purpose of heating your garage area.

Lasko Ceramic Heater- This heater only cost $59.99 at Home Depot. It has a slim design that makes it easier to sit anywhere in your garage without getting in the way too much. It also has a remote control which makes it easier for you to control when you are busy doing something else. That is a great feature to have for a garage heater.

Soleus Air indoor/outdoor halogen heater- This is one of the most versatile heaters because it can be used either indoors or outdoors. It works great as a garage heater because it has an extremely slim design. It has three temperature settings to get the desired temperature. It costs about $179.99 at Home Depot.

Heating your garage is as easy as picking up one of these heaters from your favorite home center. These tools will allow you to work comfortably in your garage all year long. The above listed items are the best heaters for your garage.

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